Birth Prevention

an Islāmic Perspective

26+100 pp. • $8 • published: 2008 • ISBN: 1-891229-93-1

This book presents a sound and comprehensive Islāmic understanding of birth prevention and other related issues. It first establishes the Islāmic view of procreation. This is followed by an overview of birth prevention methods, old and modern. Next, it sets important guidelines for understanding verdicts related to birth prevention. Finally, it presents the regulations regarding each birth prevention method, including abortion.

Our discussions and conclusions are founded on clear proofs from the Qurʾān and Sunnah, and are documented with relevant quotes from eminent Islāmic scholars. This should make them both enlightening and convincing to the readers.

This book, we hope, will provide Muslims with a better understanding and a more cautious approach toward birth prevention. May Allāh (﷾) grant us guidance and facilitation.